March 7, 2017



Falling Up…or the Lessening Weight of My Reflection

Entry 2 – January 15th, 2017   I tend to learn a lot about myself in the quiet times…the times when I’m alone with my thoughts. These are usually the
Posted on January 17, 2017 0

Reflections on a birthday…or an introduction to a year of living dangerously

Entry 01 – January 8th, 2017   Reflections on a birthday…or an introduction to a year of living dangerously   A new year has come upon us, sidled on up
Posted on January 14, 2017 0

New Years and Old Promises – Message for City of Refuge-Melbourne, FL 12/31/2016

Below are the notes I prepared for the message I gave at City of Refuge on Saturday December 31st, 2016:   New Years and Old Promises A summary of Romans
Posted on January 2, 2017 0

Gazing Through Cloudy Mirrors – Message Notes on Discernment – City of Refuge-Melbourne, FL 12/17/2016

Below are the notes I prepared for the message I gave at City of Refuge on Saturday December 17th, 2016:   Scripture References 1 Cor 12:10 Heb 5:11-14 Acts 5:3-6; 16:16-18
Posted on January 2, 2017 0

Can you smell it?…That new book smell…

After a year or so of planning, and a lot of time spent transcribing and editing, I’m pleased to announce that my newest collection of poetry is finally available! It’s
Posted on December 9, 2016 0

Lighting Matches in a Black Hole…or letting go of the election day anxiety

“I thought you weren’t going to talk about politics anymore?!” Yes…I did say that. This is only really connected to politics though due to its proximity to the 2016 US
Posted on November 8, 2016 0

Fever Pitch…or Wondering When the Red & Blue Circus Leaves Town

You know when you have that one thing in life that you actively avoid talking about? You’ll go to great lengths to steer conversation away from this thing that you
Posted on October 25, 2016 0

This is your life…or some thoughts on re-engaging culture

My written notes for the presentation I gave while in Fairbanks, Alaska: Some thoughts on re-engaging culture: We’re often caught in a bit of a dichotomy in how we set
Posted on September 24, 2016 0